Northen Europe Our Final Destnation

I was really amused by My Little Airport’s morbid little ditty called 北歐是我們的死亡終站 (Northen Europe Our Final Destnation). There are days, days that I thought ending it is quite a viable idea. But I know I am too chicken and hell, I should at least try to make life work. But then there are days… which the idea is still very tempting.

*my loose translation
On a melancholy Sunday
we discussed about ways to end our lives
You say swallowing pills is a good way to go
I say what if it didn’t work
Gastric lavage can be hard to bear
Slashing wrist can be painful don’t think I can take it
We both agreed charcoal burning might be the most comfortable way to die
but ain’t we a little too depressing
So you say why not freeze to death
like wearing a sweat shirt freeze to death at the North Pole
I got real excited and suggest we should first travel round Finland
then freeze to death in our sweat shirts
You say actually we can first travel the world then
freeze ourselves to death in Finland
“Great Idea!” I say Northern Europe would be our final destination
what a romantic idea
So you ask when do we get this plan going? What about 29?
And we will live eternally being 29
I say there’s not a lot of time
we gotta start saving for our plans
You say you have some savings and can be my sponsor
I was so moved and began to dream about
being 29 and heading off to Northern Europe with you

I wish I was there to catch the band when they were in Malaysia.

Another bonus track
窮人賣屎忽 (The poor sells their ass)

*my loose translation
The world’s economy has hit rock bottom
The poor sells their ass to save Hong Kong
Our savings are now fully emancipated
The next best thing is doing charity or start a band

We don’t charge alot
We badly needed some cash
We are willing to spend a little on the equipments
just so the customers feel satisfy

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